Pain Management

Dogs and cats instinctively hide their pain to avoid appearing as easy prey to predators. Just because they hide their pain, it doesn’t mean that they don’t need help overcoming the pain. Left untreated, pain reduces quality of life and can delay recovery from surgery, injury, or illness. At Pinson Animal Hospital, we provide pain management for pets before, during, and after surgery to ensure that your pet is comfortable and experiences a faster recovery. We also provide pain medication for pets suffering from acute and chronic conditions such as trauma, arthritis, and other diseases.
Because our pets do their best to hide their pain, it is important that pet parents watch for changes in behavior such as limping, reduced activity, whimpering, loss of appetite, and aggressive behavior to name but a few.
If you notice your pet exhibiting any of these symptoms, chances are that your pet is experiencing pain, and should be examined by a qualified veterinarian. Pinson Animal Hospital offers pain management services to pets in Pinson, Birmingham, Gardendale, Trussville, Center Point, Oneonta, and beyond.